Dwarf flamingo

Theme area:  Pórtico de la naturaleza
Scientific name:  Phoeniconaias minor
Class:  Birds
Continent:  Africa
Habitat:  Rivers, swamps, marshes and lakes
Diet:  Omnivore
Weight:  1.5 - 2 kg
Size:  90 - 125 cm
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Did you know that they form flocks of up to 1,000 individuals?

Its range is predominantly in the southern region of Africa, reaching south to South Africa, north to Yemen and west to Senegal and the coast of Guinea.

The flamingo usually forms large groups of 500 to 1000 birds. They reproduce every 5 - 8 years and usually lay one egg per clutch. They build their nests in shallow water with thick, wet mud. They are conical in shape with a flattened top and are located 15 to 20 cm above the water. Chicks hatch covered with a gray down that turns to brown within 15 days of hatching.

One of the threats to the dwarf flamingo is predators. It is preyed upon mainly by carnivorous mammals and birds. Humans can contribute to the degradation of flamingo habitats through deforestation, agriculture, drainage, pollution, and industry. This is leading to a decline in its overall population.

Conservation status
Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


its biggest threat is the pollution of lakes?
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