Serengeti Safari

The tour starts at the departure station in Central Village. Remember to arrive at the park at least an hour and a half in advance to be on time for this activity.
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Can you imagine experiencing an authentic African safari?

An exclusive tour of the Lakes Reserve in an all-terrain vehicle to get to know the most iconic species of Africa. Get closer than ever to our group of white rhinoceroses, the chubby hippopotamus, the tall giraffes, the striking zebras and various species of antelope!

In the Serengeti Safari you will be accompanied at all times by an expert who will guide you on the tour to learn about the stars of the African continent and how we work daily for their conservation. In addition, you canwatch from a very close distance how our keepers feed the hippos; you will be impressed by their giant mouths!

Don't want to miss it? Book now!

Want to come to see us? Choose your Admission Tickets for adults and children, select the date of your visit and then add the Serengeti Safari places you need and the shift you want to participate in. It will be an unforgettable experience!


Or if you already have your admission tickets, book just your Serengeti Safari by choosing the day you are coming to see us, how many of you there are and the shift you would like to join this guided tour.


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