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There are some animals that live considerably longer than others, it all depends on the species and the environment in which they live. It is even claimed that some animals such as jellyfish are immortal, but how long can the longest-living animals in the world live? Which animal truly lives the longest, and why?
The age that a specimen of a certain species can reach depends, among other things, on the natural habitat in which it is found, as well as its diet. A specimen that lives in the wild will not in general enjoy as much longevity as long as one that lives in a conservation state. Keep in mind that animals which live in the wild are exposed to poaching, destruction of the natural habitat and also to natural phenomena.
In Selwo you can find the African lion, the largest of the felines that live in prides. Lions are native to the African savannah and are characterized by their beautiful mane (in the case of males). They are very territorial animals, but it is the females that hunt for food.
However, when it comes to life expectancy, it is the females that live longer than the males. In the wild, a lioness can live 15 years, while males barely reach a decade. It is estimated that the life expectancy of this species is 30 years, but the longest-lived specimen, an animal raised in a zoo, only reached 27 years.
In Selwo Aventura you can find out all about the largest mammal in Asia: the elephant! The Asian elephant is an impressive pachyderm, although smaller than its African counterpart. It is said that elephants are among the longest-living land mammals in existence, but it all depends on the species, as well as their habitat.
The Elephas Maximus, or Asian elephant, has an average lifespan of approximately 48 years. African elephants, on the other hand, can live up to 90 years.
Crocodiles are predatory reptiles whose origins date back millions of years. They are egg-laying reptiles that are divided into different species, such as the fearsome Nile crocodile. A crocodile can live for around 80 years, although some in captivity have reached over a century.
The Mississippi alligator is a smaller reptile than the crocodile. The life expectancy of an alligator is usually between 50 or 60 years, but it is believed that if it lives in a zoo in a good environment, the animal can also reach 100+ years.
This fierce animal, which you can visit in Selwo Aventura, is native to the United States and is the largest reptile in the country. It differs from crocodiles because of the characteristics of its snout, since the alligator's snout is rounder and wider.
Turtles are probably the longest-lived reptiles, and there are many types of turtles! One of the oldest-living species of turtles is the tortoise, which can live for more than a century! It is estimated that there was a giant tortoise that lived for an amazing 255 years.
Another very long-lived species of tortoise is the African spurred tortoise. This species, which is unfortunately endangered, can live between 75 and 100 years.
One of the many large macaws is the Ara ararauna or blue and yellow macaw. This beautiful bird, which also lives in Selwo Aventura, is native to the tropical rainforests of South America, Central America and Mexico, and is a stunningly beautiful bird that can weigh just over one kilogram!
Did you know that macaws and some parrots can live up to 100 years? The longevity of the Ara ararauna depends, of course, on an environment which allows it to thrive, and its life expectancy is up to 80 years! The blue and yellow macaw is a monogamous bird that is able to reproduce different sounds and words and even whistle and sing. It is a very peculiar bird with high natural intelligence!
One of the longest-living cetaceans is the bowhead whale. This imposing animal, which is noticeably different from other whales, can live up to 200 years, with an average lifespan of 150 years. However, until recently it was thought that they barely reached half a century of life.
Glass sponges are largely unknown animals that live in the deep sea. This species grows in the cold waters of the Antarctic Circle and its development, compared to other living beings, is very slow. This also means that they can live much longer. It is believed that a glass sponge can live up to 6,000 years - a truly long-lived animal that has been on the planet for as long as recorded history!
Another largely unfamiliar, but very long-lived, animal is the Iceland clam - it can live up to 400 years! In fact, one specimen of Iceland clam managed to live 500 years. It is believed that today there are more than one million tons of Iceland clams, and they live at a depth of around a thousand meters.
Jellyfish are beautiful animals but many are deadly to humans in some situations. These beautiful marine animals are actually considered to be immortal. This is because jellyfish have the unusual trait of being able to regenerate their tissues, and also to clone themselves. For example, if you divide a jellyfish into two parts, both severed parts will grow tentacles.
It is not yet known how many years a jellyfish can live, but it is said that if they grow in a very safe environment, far from their predators, they could be immortal. But is this true? Science has yet to determine.
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